Some of the most simple meals can be the most nutritious without having to spend all day slaving in the kitchen, especially in this cooler weather. Tonight's inspo is to boost Immunity, well-being & gut health. I've combined Nutra Organics Organic Chicken Bone Broth in Garden Herb Flavour with #Organic Konjac ZERO Slim & Healthy Noodles. In a saucepan, simply add Bone Broth to boiling water and toss in your noodles to heat through. Serve with some fresh parsley (optional) and vola'........ Dinner is ready in 5mins and next to no dishes!! All these items are stocked at the Synergy Bodywork Wellness Hub. Please email or call Jodie on 0403 583 430 to purchase any of these items.
What's your fave healthy 5min meal? Feel free to comment below.